About the words we use

Words matter … and mean different things to different people

Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Accompaniment, or Spiritual Companioning?

The tradition of this practice has historically been called Spiritual Direction. I am trained as a Spiritual Director. However, the method I’ve been trained in is not directive at all. Spiritual Accompaniment better describes my practice of being with people on their spiritual journey. Spiritual Companion is a term that is coming into favor. As usual, no words seem to fit perfectly.

Here is what I use most often:

The practice:

  • Spiritual Accompaniment

The person seeking accompaniment:

  • Journeyer

The trained guide:

  • Spiritual Companion or Spiritual Director

Spiritual vocabulary: God, Spirit, Higher Power, none of the above…

We all have different words for pointing to the mysterious, indescribable, the spiritual. Your words, and the beliefs underneath them, are welcome at Journey Toward Light. That includes agnostics, non-theists and atheists, as well as folks who practice a religious tradition, and folks whose spirituality isn’t so easily named.

For one-size-fits all language required to describe the practice of Spiritual Accompaniment, I land on Spirit. It’s a word that has served me in my journey as a non-theist and as a theist. It encompasses movement, and breath as it points to a mystery underneath and within the material world.

When no words fit…

Spiritual Accompaniment meets you where you are, no matter what words do or don’t work for you. If you are seeking for deeper level of awareness, understanding or connection, or something else hard to name, we’ll explore that, using the words that open your heart and mind to deeper experience.