I am a Quaker, which is a tradition that values listening for the still small voice, and using spiritual discernment tools to guide one’s life. My call is to encourage and deepen spiritual growth and courageousness—in myself and in others. My own spiritual practices include contemplation, bible study, walking, singing/music/dance, and undoing racism – in myself and the world around me.
Professionally, I worked for many years as the Director of a Quaker community. I loved the work of community formation, tending to organizational health and structure, spirit-led group decision making, and individual spiritual nurture and mentoring. Meanwhile, in my non-professional Quaker life I have immersed myself in our practice of discernment: supporting individuals in their ministry, and communities in tending to the life of the Quaker meeting at local and regional levels.
Journey Toward Light offers spiritual accompaniment and retreat and workshop leading that draw upon my experience of listening and discernment as well as my experience with community formation and organizational health.
I’m honored to accompany people from different spiritual and religious backgrounds, and those who don’t claim a spiritual or religious tradition.
I have an affinity for people on the threshold of change, including career changers, people facing illness or a loved-one’s illness, people entering adulthood – or retirement, and so many more. Another affinity is for spiritually seeking change-makers, activists and organizers, and clergy and lay leaders seeking new ways to put their faith into action.
I live on ancestral Tiwa land, otherwise known as Albuquerque, New Mexico. I meet with folks on zoom or in person.
Places that have formed me:
New England Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction
Places whose work I’m actively participating in now:
Showing Up for Racial Justice: Faith network and local work here on Tiwa land
Albuquerque Monthly Meeting (my Quaker Community)